Residents living in Lambeth have been suffering for years due to excessive noise made by a difficult neighbour.
The local council and Police had served the perpetrator with several warnings, including a community protection warning for hosting parties that would last for several days, ruining her fellow neighbour’s quality of life and overall wellbeing.
In addition, our managing agent company had attempted to resolve the issue, but unfortunately the tenant refused to comply and would quickly become verbally abusive when confronted about her behaviour.
Our community safety officer worked hard to restore order to the block by working with the building managing agent and residents to collate evidence and formal statements against the perpetrator. We were eventually granted an ASB injunction to stop the loud music and parties, as well as the abusive behaviour.
Unfortunately, the tenant breached her injunction, so we had to seek outright possession of her home. Ideally in this situation, the behaviour would improve, and no one loses their home. However, the actions of the tenant were making the lives of her neighbours miserable, and we were granted outright possession of her home. This is a success for the residents who can now relax and feel safe in their homes.
Taking legal action is always our last resort, and we always try to work with and support any of our customers who are allegedly perpetrators of ASB, but in some incidences we have a greater duty of care those suffering.
We appreciate working from home means you may hear your neighbours more often, and it can be frustrating. We define noise related anti-social behaviour if the noise is persistent during the day or evening after 11pm.
In the first instance, we encourage you to speak to your neighbour if you feel safe to do so. If this still doesn’t improve the situation, contact the Environmental Health Officer and keep a diary of incidents to share with us.
If you think you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, please refer to our anti-social behaviour guide, or report any incidence using MyWandle.