Our service promise to you.
We want to make sure you get the best experience as a Wandle resident, and we are dedicated to providing excellent services which are shaped by you.
Our Resident Charter sets out how we deliver these services. We will let you know how we are keeping these promises by giving feedback to residents’ groups and reporting on our performance.
We promise to:
• Use plain language, avoiding jargon and abbreviations. We will explain the meaning of any technical terms.
• Let you know when we might need to access your home, or when work in shared areas might affect you.
• Call you back within 48 hours. If you email us, we’ll get back to you within three working days.
• Offer extra support to residents who have specific communication needs.
• Focus on fixing your problems and responding to any complaint. If the issue is complicated, we will tell you how long it will take to resolve and keep you posted as to how we’re getting on.
• Organise visits and appointments at times that are convenient to you.
• Be polite and treat you with respect and ask you to treat us the same way.
• Tell you our names and show you ID when we meet you.
• Treat the information, you tell us about yourself with respect and confidentiality.
• Ask you regularly how happy you are with our services and use your feedback to improve services.