A south London council has warned residents in the area to stay scam aware after a series of phone calls were made from criminals pretending to be a housing disrepair team.
Residents in Southwark were contacted by an unknown number, asking them to confirm if they were a tenant, landlord or staff member of the housing association.
If you receive a call you believe to be a scam, do not give any personal details over the phone and end the call immediately. Then block the number.
You can always contact your local authority or Wandle to check if we contacted you. Our number is 0300 2000 120.
If you’re worried you’ve been scammed, here’s what to do:
- End all further communication with the scammer and block their number/email address.
- Call your bank immediately as they will check if you’ve paid a scammer accidentally or set up a standing order or direct debit.
- Report the scam to the police by calling 101. If you feel threatened or are in danger, call 999.
- Report the scam to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
- Contact Citizens Advice Scams Action via the Citizens Advice website or call their helpline on 0808 250 5050.