What is Wandle doing about asbestos?
Asbestos was often used in construction. It is possible that some materials containing asbestos were used when your home was built or adpated.
We regularly carry out asbestos surveys on all of our properties and maintain a register to safely manage the risk of asbestos to you and your family.
Asbestos fibres are only a danger to your health if you breathe or swallow them. As long as asbestos is not damaged or located somewhere it can be easily damaged, it is not a risk to you.
Asbestos is very hard to identify. If you think that there may be some in your home, please leave it alone. It is safe unless damaged or disturbed. If you are in doubt, please contact us.
If asbestos does need to be removed, this will be done by a qualified asbestos removal contractor. We will discuss with you how we can work together to do this as safely as possible.
A copy of the asbestos register for your home is available on request.
For your safety you must:
If you think that you have found asbestos: