Improving complaints
Why is Wandle being investigated?
In October 2024, the Housing Ombudsman launched a special investigation into Wandle’s complaint handling and our maladministration rate of 86%.
We know our complaint handling needs to improve, and we are committed to putting this right. Before we received notification of the investigation, we had already prioritised an organisation-wide project to review and improve all aspects of our complaint handling.
We welcome this investigation, and the opportunity to identify the root causes of failure and make recommendations for improvement.
What has happened already?
We have delivered training for our colleagues to ensure we learn from complaints. There will be opportunities for you to give us more feedback and help us continue to improve the complaints process.
Stage 2 complaints will now be investigated by a Head of Service so that complaints that are escalated can be given the detailed review they deserve.
Through all this work, you will experience improvements, including receiving a timely response to your complaint, discussing it with the manager investigating it, and receiving a more comprehensive response.
How will the investigation be carried out?
The Ombudsman will work with both Wandle and residents to understand why our complaint handling is not at the standard it should be.
The investigation will take about six to nine months. Once the Housing Ombudsman has concluded their investigation, we will receive the report and incorporate the recommendations into our improvement plan.
Getting involved
There are numerous opportunities for customers to get involved and support us in delivering a better service.
We have set up a Resolution Steering Group that includes residents who support our improvement plan and work with us to challenge how we do things.
We are working closely with TPAS to create a new complaints policy that residents can help shape. There is also the opportunity to be trained as a quality assurance manager to support and drive higher standards at Wandle. In addition, we want to hear from you if you’d like to be involved in delivering complaints handling training to Wandle staff.
There will be more information in the New Year about how to get involved.
I currently have a complaint with the Housing Ombudsman, what can I expect?
Whilst the investigation is ongoing, complaints received by the Housing Ombudsman Service will continue to be investigated in the same way they are now, and you can expect to receive the same level of service and support from the Ombudsman as you usually do. All cases relating to Wandle customers will not be fast-tracked and will continue to be managed in the usual way.
You can also read more about our approach to complaints in the following places:
Complaints and compliments – Wandle Housing Association
Complaints policy – Wandle Housing Association
When things go wrong – Wandle Residents Annual Report 2023/24