We recently provided £10k of funding to the Age Friendly Social Housing Programme.
Delivered by HACT in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund, to support social landlords, local agencies, and communities to work together to improve opportunities and outcomes for people aged over 50 in Southwark.
The UK is facing a loneliness epidemic, and the over 55’s are considered an ‘at risk’ group of experiencing social isolation. As an established landlord, we can play a significant role in creating age friendly communities, providing homes and a range of services to support people to age well in the place they call home.
The two-year programme will involve us working alongside residents to create new activities and services for our over 50s and enhance existing age friendly provision and testing new approaches to tackle social isolation and loneliness.
We would like to hear from Wandle residents over the age of 50 and living in Southwark, about any activities and services they would be interested in. To get in touch, email customerempowerment@wandle.com.