We are pleased to share the published version of our annual accounts and strategic review for the year ended March 2023.
Having launched our Corporate Strategy last year, we’ve been progressing the delivery of key activities that underpin its first year. We are pleased that we’ve seen continual improvements against our performance targets and through engagement with our customers launched our supporting customer experience strategy. Through this we have gained valuable feedback, informing where we can continue to build on improvements we’ve already made – and go further.
We are pleased that whilst the economic headwinds meant that we saw much of our cost base increase,
we have delivered a healthy surplus of £24.1 million, 104% above last year (£11.8 million).
During the year we underwent our in-depth assessment with the Regulator of Social Housing which reconfirmed our G2/V2 rating. This gave us a clear understanding of where we need to focus our efforts to achieve a G1 status, and we are working with our Regulator to revisit this rating during the course of the next year.
You can read our Strategic Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 here.