If you are unsure about any details of the service charge bill, you should get in touch with us. Please provide us with full details of your query when you get in touch, as it will help us to resolve your query more quickly. When we receive your query, we will confirm receipt by letter or email, and we will give you an estimated timeframe for coming back to you. Note that service charge queries are handled outside of our formal complaints procedure.
It depends on the complexity, but we aim to resolve most disputes within four weeks. If it is going to take longer, we will let you know. It can take longer if it relates to more than one year, we are not the freeholder, or it relates to more than one item of service charge.
When you have a query, you have no legal right to withhold your service charge and you must continue to pay your monthly service charge, as specified in your lease.
If you think the estimate is wrong then please contact customerservices@wandle.com. If we agree that the estimate should be revised then we will let you know.