The most efficient and simplest way of reporting anti-social behaviour is through your MyWandle account. If you do not want to use MyWandle, follow the instructions below.
What will you do if I ring in to report ASB?
We will ask you a series of questions to help us understand exactly what has happened, how often it is happening, and its severity. This will help us decide what we will do and what you can expect from us.
We have three categories of ASB:
Category C: Usually regular, low-level disturbances that would not on their own be considered ASB
We will usually advise you to keep a log of any instances as it will be useful for us to assess the extent of the disturbance. Sometimes we will refer you to other services for help.
You should try to speak to the perpetrator if you feel able, and it is safe to do so. If you do, please remain calm and express your concerns politely. If you feel the conversation is becoming heated, walk away.
Category B: Such as persistent noise, pet / animal nuisance, nuisance from vehicles, drug dealing, prostitution, other criminal behaviour
If you suspect that there is criminal activity, contact the police first.
Please also keep a log and call our customer service team to report it. We will consider the best course of action and your neighbourhood or homeownership customer service officer will call you within 3 working days to discuss and agree the next steps.
Category A: Such as imminent risk to health or welfare, verbal abuse, harassment / intimidation, threatening behaviour, domestic abuse, physical violence, hate related (based on race, sexual orientation, gender, disability, religion, age, etc.).
Please report to the police first and then call our customer service team.
We will assess the case and decide the best course of action. Your neighbourhood or homeownership customer service officer or the duty manager will call you back as soon as possible to discuss the options and next steps. Category A reports are the most serious, please do not put yourself in any danger and only call us when it is safe to do so.